If all of humanity were to go and search every single page in human history, they will not be able to find the kind of loyalty, love and bravery that Hazrath Abbas demonstrated towards his half brother Imam Hussain. The legend of Abbas will live forever and will continue to inspire men till the end of time. I challenge everyone to learn about the great battle of Karbala on the Day of Ashura when a small band of 72 warriors stood against the massive army of the tyrant Yazid son of Mawiya and made a supreme sacrifice like no other. Their revolution was a truly successful revolution, even though all 72 were brutally massacred, they were victorious and truth prevailed over evil. That event of Karbala sends a warning to all evil leaders and dictators that when they cross the limits, a Imam will rise to put them down.
kami kazee
kami kazee
1 year ago
Feroz Virani you are an intelligent person, thank you!
Taskeen Sajjad
Taskeen Sajjad
3 years ago
Thank you so much Sayed Ammar for addressing this topic as I am in need of a heart transplant. All the while, seeing not much talk of it amongst the Muslim community! Allah bless you ten fold!
Farwa Ali
Farwa Ali
3 years ago
+Taskeen Sajjad I think this is one of those topics no one cares about until they actually experience it. Unequivocally, it's very relevant and a discussion that needs to be had. Inshallah, I hope you find a donor soon!
marko marin
marko marin
3 years ago
insha'allah you will find a donor dear sister. Ya Shahib al Zaman madad.
Taskeen Sajjad
Taskeen Sajjad
3 years ago
+Fa Al thank you very much!
Taskeen Sajjad
Taskeen Sajjad
3 years ago
+marko marin thank you so much!
3 years ago
Wow.. Inshallah.. Allah may bless u with u perfect heart transplant!
Taskeen Sajjad
Taskeen Sajjad
3 years ago
+abdul majeed thank you everyone is so kind
Diana Beatty
Diana Beatty
3 years ago
+Taskeen Sajjad I pray you get what you are in need of insha'allah.
Feroz Virani
Feroz Virani
3 years ago
The event of Karbala saved islam and humanity. The lessons learned from Karbala truly showed humanity that sometimes it does not take a sword to win an outnumbered war and to show people the right path but the tears of your loved ones. If everyone followed the lessons learned from Karbala I have no doubt that this world would be free from hatred and all kinds of evil.
May Allah Bless Mohammad and his pure and pious family.
Saniiya Reza
Saniiya Reza
1 year ago
👌🏻 SubhanAllah
Mohd Monis Raza
Mohd Monis Raza
3 years ago
A very nice topic to be addressed. Stay blessed SAN
3 years ago
آجركم الله
3 years ago
A very nice topic addressed, and indeed a very informative and eloquent lecture..!!
May Allah grand janna for the service Dr. Sayed Ammar Nakshawani doing for the ahlebait as.
Ali Yahya Syed
Ali Yahya Syed
3 years ago
Beautiful lecture Syed !
3 years ago
anisur rahman
anisur rahman
2 years ago (edited)
Einstein said "It was, of course, a lie what you read about my religious convictions, a lie which is being systematically repeated. I do not believe in a personal God and I have never
denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it." ~ Albert Einstein, 1954, from "Albert Einstein: The Human Side",
edited by Helen Dukas and
Banesh Hoffman, Princeton University Press
3 years ago
Salam brother (s),
I was watching this lecture and noticed brother has tattoo on his hands . as a Muslim or shia muslim are we allowed to have tattoo ? I'm not judging but simply educating myself . Wish I could contact brother Dr Sayed Amar and ask him this question but I have no contact . I'm someone whom have learned many things from this brother and have a huge respect him.
thank you and Salam.
3 years ago
+TheMx6turbo Yes. See for example the ruling of Sayyid Sistani - number 12 on this page: http://www.alulbayt.com/rulings/15.htm
3 years ago
+otowi3333 Of course there can be discussion about the merits/issues of the content of some tattoos, but that is another matter.
3 years ago
thank you .
Jaefar SABNW
Jaefar SABNW
3 years ago
+TheMx6turbo Tattoos and body modification beyond a piercing are explicitely forbidden to the fundamentalist. Don't worrry about what has done before unless it is a mark of disbelief or sn that you may wish to have removed or altered when you can afford it.
Jaefar SABNW
Jaefar SABNW
3 years ago
By fundamentalists, I mean those who try to go straight to Al Qoor'aan in order to justify their beliefs and actions. I was basing my ruling on the Quran and prophetic sayings.
2 years ago
no tat.s are not allowed..
this sermon is incorrect..
donating organs goes against Allah's decree.. our body is an imamamah, a trust tht needs to be returned back to Allah.
Everyone will be visited by Angel of Death, even Gibreel, leader of the Angels..
Allah sends trials, tribulations, and other calamities in order to cleanse us or forgive us this includes sickness and disease... so if we happen to pass away, die perhaps Allah may reward you for the affliction you handled with patience, it's possible he may forgive sins and reward you with ackira, paradise... do you really love the dunya so much so tht you would want to prolong life?
Are you aware on Day of Judgement, we will answer to what we did in world, but also our body parts, our eyes, hand, feet, organs everything will be given permission by Allah to speak, it will be witness for or against us.. do you really want your organs to testify something you had no knowledge for example you gave your eyes away, but the eyes will testify that they saw such and such... or if you received someones eyes do you really want tht organ to testify what it saw previously b4 you received.. and tht goes with all organs..
On tht freightful day no one will be able to help one another, a father and son may stand even shoulder to shoulder and a relationship of parent n child is strong in this world but in NXT neither will be able to speak let alone help one another BC everyone will be concerned about their own hisab, own accountability.
Speaking about accountability, everyone who have had donated will now want their organs back and those who received will argue tht so n so gave it away it's mines bc their failed organ was tossed away like trash after receiving donor organ.. and arguments even fighting will erupt, one saying no I gave or donated so you can use in dunya but now it's aiikara, and need it back... do you really want to be tht situations?
Most Prophets before Jesus's time usually lived for long periods of time, this part don't quote me but I think prophet Adam when he found out that one of his offspring was going to have short life span he offered to give up some years of his life, well what I'm trying to say is tht aftr prophet Musa attained prophethood, also enjoyed with long life, he may had found out abt tht incident of prophet Adam and maybe Allah's rahma for tht instance tht both Adam and who he offered his years both received full term... thinking he may find Allah's grace.. but looks behold when Musa was perhaps 940 / 950 years angel of death visited to collect his soul.. and as a nabi he knew Prophets lived almost thousands years, so instead of going with mulk E Mooth, he punched the angel who lost an eye.. Allah set the angel of deaths eye back and sent him again to remind Musa of his promise to lessen his term by 50 years to save someone else's life but Allah also gave one of his nabi chance to increase his life span if he so chooses... the death angel gave him choice, all Moses had to do was put his palm over a calf, a cow... and however many hairs were under it than his life span would be increased by tht amount.. so even greater chance of mere fifty more years increased to hundreds.. how many hair strands do you think your own palm can cover over top of your head, ranges from 500 and on upto thousands.. anyways prophet Musa realized error of his ways, he asked angel what happens after the extended time.. what do you think happens? angel says he will be visited by Death... so prophet Musa knowing janat is better than dunya and knowing Allah tests everyone including the Nabis even more so he told angel to take his soul now not later...
and after this encounter, this incident, life span of human shortened to length it is as now, and Allah also stopped accepting donations of someone giving part of their life or time to another which can also include organs..
but hey, if aftr you receive this message you want to indulge in sin.. go for it.. janat is not for you than.
and if you can forward any hadith's or examples or references tht prophet Muhammad or his sabi, his companions donated an organ or allowed it, do share with rest of us BC I have not come across anything of such..... and don't try quote saving one's life is as if saving humanity...
it does not specify donating organs on medical terms only save one from immediate danger like being hit by train etc.
if you read Quran you are aware it has 114 surahs, chapters.. 113 of them begin with (786) Bismillah, to begin in name of Allah, however Bismillah is mentioned 114 times bc within a surah in the aaya it says iqra Bismil rabil la zee kalk, recite in me of your Lord who created you from congealed clot of blood, who is merciful and taught man what he did not know. ... anyways, imagine a God who is to be merciful he even promised tht not only will he provide you with risk, your sustainance but he will send you with all necessary tools you will need but do you think God would b cruel, he sends someone with two hearts or says tht you hve one less organ but don't worry I'm going to send someone, your brother who will have extra liver for you... tht is a death sentence on donor as well now.. you really think God would want two people's now under the knife and chance of failure high and both parties die.. the person who was given maybe year to live but perhaps tht would give him/her chance to do more ibaadat rather they shorten tht year promised to risk dieing completely and putting another soul at risk of death just for an organ.. small minded people's you are..
Nahida Yakoob
Nahida Yakoob
2 years ago
mmirza00 i
S Hussey
S Hussey
3 years ago
Some of the points could be kept to (taught in) a class for people above certain age, rather than speaking in a majlis heard by children and adults alike, both in the masjid,, and online. Giving an excuse that Imam Zain-ul-Abideen(as) spoke about this, does not make it alright. Good lecture otherwise. Thanks.
Taskeen Sajjad
Taskeen Sajjad
3 years ago
Something that will eventually affect children when they grow up, there's nothing wrong with saying that. Maybe if culture wasn't backward then people wouldn't feel a problem whilst mentioning how it's not allowed.
Clara Scheil
Clara Scheil
3 years ago
+S Hussey Children are smarter then what we give them credit for. They are exposed to many things as well as having mates in school who have parents or siblings who are going threw terminal diseases. We can not keep children in a bubble. Knowledge is power as it is incumbent upon us to seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave...We need to have these answers. The parents who bring their children to one of his lectures knows to what level that child is able to handle information. and if questions arise then it is great that the parents themselves will answer truthfully threw intelligence . Is it not better for a child to learn from you then from someone in the streets??? Sometimes i learn alot from my own child.
3 years ago
Children doesn't understands the meaning of masterbation.. And if they understands then they r nt children 😂
Clara Scheil
Clara Scheil
3 years ago
are you asking for yourself or for them. If we reach puberty at 8 then the lessons are there from him or from your parents. Or from his friends at school. Who do you want them to learn from.
3 years ago
+S Hussey Sex ed in religion. It's cooler than Christianity.
S Hussey
S Hussey
3 years ago
The place he is sitting is different from classrooms/podium. Somethings are better discussed in a religious class or separate session rather than be told from the mimbar.
Youtube comments:
Feroz Virani
3 years ago
If all of humanity were to go and search every single page in human history, they will not be able to find the kind of loyalty, love and bravery that Hazrath Abbas demonstrated towards his half brother Imam Hussain. The legend of Abbas will live forever and will continue to inspire men till the end of time. I challenge everyone to learn about the great battle of Karbala on the Day of Ashura when a small band of 72 warriors stood against the massive army of the tyrant Yazid son of Mawiya and made a supreme sacrifice like no other. Their revolution was a truly successful revolution, even though all 72 were brutally massacred, they were victorious and truth prevailed over evil. That event of Karbala sends a warning to all evil leaders and dictators that when they cross the limits, a Imam will rise to put them down.
kami kazee
kami kazee
1 year ago
Feroz Virani you are an intelligent person, thank you!
Taskeen Sajjad
Taskeen Sajjad
3 years ago
Thank you so much Sayed Ammar for addressing this topic as I am in need of a heart transplant. All the while, seeing not much talk of it amongst the Muslim community! Allah bless you ten fold!
Farwa Ali
Farwa Ali
3 years ago
+Taskeen Sajjad I think this is one of those topics no one cares about until they actually experience it. Unequivocally, it's very relevant and a discussion that needs to be had. Inshallah, I hope you find a donor soon!
marko marin
marko marin
3 years ago
insha'allah you will find a donor dear sister. Ya Shahib al Zaman madad.
Taskeen Sajjad
Taskeen Sajjad
3 years ago
+Fa Al thank you very much!
Taskeen Sajjad
Taskeen Sajjad
3 years ago
+marko marin thank you so much!
3 years ago
Wow.. Inshallah.. Allah may bless u with u perfect heart transplant!
Taskeen Sajjad
Taskeen Sajjad
3 years ago
+abdul majeed thank you everyone is so kind
Diana Beatty
Diana Beatty
3 years ago
+Taskeen Sajjad I pray you get what you are in need of insha'allah.
Feroz Virani
Feroz Virani
3 years ago
The event of Karbala saved islam and humanity. The lessons learned from Karbala truly showed humanity that sometimes it does not take a sword to win an outnumbered war and to show people the right path but the tears of your loved ones. If everyone followed the lessons learned from Karbala I have no doubt that this world would be free from hatred and all kinds of evil.
May Allah Bless Mohammad and his pure and pious family.
Saniiya Reza
Saniiya Reza
1 year ago
👌🏻 SubhanAllah
Mohd Monis Raza
Mohd Monis Raza
3 years ago
A very nice topic to be addressed. Stay blessed SAN
3 years ago
آجركم الله
3 years ago
A very nice topic addressed, and indeed a very informative and eloquent lecture..!!
May Allah grand janna for the service Dr. Sayed Ammar Nakshawani doing for the ahlebait as.
Ali Yahya Syed
Ali Yahya Syed
3 years ago
Beautiful lecture Syed !
3 years ago
anisur rahman
anisur rahman
2 years ago (edited)
Einstein said "It was, of course, a lie what you read about my religious convictions, a lie which is being systematically repeated. I do not believe in a personal God and I have never
denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it." ~ Albert Einstein, 1954, from "Albert Einstein: The Human Side",
edited by Helen Dukas and
Banesh Hoffman, Princeton University Press
3 years ago
Salam brother (s),
I was watching this lecture and noticed brother has tattoo on his hands . as a Muslim or shia muslim are we allowed to have tattoo ? I'm not judging but simply educating myself . Wish I could contact brother Dr Sayed Amar and ask him this question but I have no contact . I'm someone whom have learned many things from this brother and have a huge respect him.
thank you and Salam.
3 years ago
+TheMx6turbo Yes. See for example the ruling of Sayyid Sistani - number 12 on this page: http://www.alulbayt.com/rulings/15.htm
3 years ago
+otowi3333 Of course there can be discussion about the merits/issues of the content of some tattoos, but that is another matter.
3 years ago
thank you .
Jaefar SABNW
Jaefar SABNW
3 years ago
+TheMx6turbo Tattoos and body modification beyond a piercing are explicitely forbidden to the fundamentalist. Don't worrry about what has done before unless it is a mark of disbelief or sn that you may wish to have removed or altered when you can afford it.
Jaefar SABNW
Jaefar SABNW
3 years ago
By fundamentalists, I mean those who try to go straight to Al Qoor'aan in order to justify their beliefs and actions. I was basing my ruling on the Quran and prophetic sayings.
2 years ago
no tat.s are not allowed..
this sermon is incorrect..
donating organs goes against Allah's decree.. our body is an imamamah, a trust tht needs to be returned back to Allah.
Everyone will be visited by Angel of Death, even Gibreel, leader of the Angels..
Allah sends trials, tribulations, and other calamities in order to cleanse us or forgive us this includes sickness and disease... so if we happen to pass away, die perhaps Allah may reward you for the affliction you handled with patience, it's possible he may forgive sins and reward you with ackira, paradise... do you really love the dunya so much so tht you would want to prolong life?
Are you aware on Day of Judgement, we will answer to what we did in world, but also our body parts, our eyes, hand, feet, organs everything will be given permission by Allah to speak, it will be witness for or against us.. do you really want your organs to testify something you had no knowledge for example you gave your eyes away, but the eyes will testify that they saw such and such... or if you received someones eyes do you really want tht organ to testify what it saw previously b4 you received.. and tht goes with all organs..
On tht freightful day no one will be able to help one another, a father and son may stand even shoulder to shoulder and a relationship of parent n child is strong in this world but in NXT neither will be able to speak let alone help one another BC everyone will be concerned about their own hisab, own accountability.
Speaking about accountability, everyone who have had donated will now want their organs back and those who received will argue tht so n so gave it away it's mines bc their failed organ was tossed away like trash after receiving donor organ.. and arguments even fighting will erupt, one saying no I gave or donated so you can use in dunya but now it's aiikara, and need it back... do you really want to be tht situations?
Most Prophets before Jesus's time usually lived for long periods of time, this part don't quote me but I think prophet Adam when he found out that one of his offspring was going to have short life span he offered to give up some years of his life, well what I'm trying to say is tht aftr prophet Musa attained prophethood, also enjoyed with long life, he may had found out abt tht incident of prophet Adam and maybe Allah's rahma for tht instance tht both Adam and who he offered his years both received full term... thinking he may find Allah's grace.. but looks behold when Musa was perhaps 940 / 950 years angel of death visited to collect his soul.. and as a nabi he knew Prophets lived almost thousands years, so instead of going with mulk E Mooth, he punched the angel who lost an eye.. Allah set the angel of deaths eye back and sent him again to remind Musa of his promise to lessen his term by 50 years to save someone else's life but Allah also gave one of his nabi chance to increase his life span if he so chooses... the death angel gave him choice, all Moses had to do was put his palm over a calf, a cow... and however many hairs were under it than his life span would be increased by tht amount.. so even greater chance of mere fifty more years increased to hundreds.. how many hair strands do you think your own palm can cover over top of your head, ranges from 500 and on upto thousands.. anyways prophet Musa realized error of his ways, he asked angel what happens after the extended time.. what do you think happens? angel says he will be visited by Death... so prophet Musa knowing janat is better than dunya and knowing Allah tests everyone including the Nabis even more so he told angel to take his soul now not later...
and after this encounter, this incident, life span of human shortened to length it is as now, and Allah also stopped accepting donations of someone giving part of their life or time to another which can also include organs..
but hey, if aftr you receive this message you want to indulge in sin.. go for it.. janat is not for you than.
and if you can forward any hadith's or examples or references tht prophet Muhammad or his sabi, his companions donated an organ or allowed it, do share with rest of us BC I have not come across anything of such..... and don't try quote saving one's life is as if saving humanity...
it does not specify donating organs on medical terms only save one from immediate danger like being hit by train etc.
if you read Quran you are aware it has 114 surahs, chapters.. 113 of them begin with (786) Bismillah, to begin in name of Allah, however Bismillah is mentioned 114 times bc within a surah in the aaya it says iqra Bismil rabil la zee kalk, recite in me of your Lord who created you from congealed clot of blood, who is merciful and taught man what he did not know. ... anyways, imagine a God who is to be merciful he even promised tht not only will he provide you with risk, your sustainance but he will send you with all necessary tools you will need but do you think God would b cruel, he sends someone with two hearts or says tht you hve one less organ but don't worry I'm going to send someone, your brother who will have extra liver for you... tht is a death sentence on donor as well now.. you really think God would want two people's now under the knife and chance of failure high and both parties die.. the person who was given maybe year to live but perhaps tht would give him/her chance to do more ibaadat rather they shorten tht year promised to risk dieing completely and putting another soul at risk of death just for an organ.. small minded people's you are..
Nahida Yakoob
Nahida Yakoob
2 years ago
mmirza00 i
S Hussey
S Hussey
3 years ago
Some of the points could be kept to (taught in) a class for people above certain age, rather than speaking in a majlis heard by children and adults alike, both in the masjid,, and online. Giving an excuse that Imam Zain-ul-Abideen(as) spoke about this, does not make it alright. Good lecture otherwise. Thanks.
Taskeen Sajjad
Taskeen Sajjad
3 years ago
Something that will eventually affect children when they grow up, there's nothing wrong with saying that. Maybe if culture wasn't backward then people wouldn't feel a problem whilst mentioning how it's not allowed.
Clara Scheil
Clara Scheil
3 years ago
+S Hussey Children are smarter then what we give them credit for. They are exposed to many things as well as having mates in school who have parents or siblings who are going threw terminal diseases. We can not keep children in a bubble. Knowledge is power as it is incumbent upon us to seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave...We need to have these answers. The parents who bring their children to one of his lectures knows to what level that child is able to handle information. and if questions arise then it is great that the parents themselves will answer truthfully threw intelligence . Is it not better for a child to learn from you then from someone in the streets??? Sometimes i learn alot from my own child.
3 years ago
Children doesn't understands the meaning of masterbation.. And if they understands then they r nt children 😂
Clara Scheil
Clara Scheil
3 years ago
are you asking for yourself or for them. If we reach puberty at 8 then the lessons are there from him or from your parents. Or from his friends at school. Who do you want them to learn from.
3 years ago
+S Hussey Sex ed in religion. It's cooler than Christianity.
S Hussey
S Hussey
3 years ago
The place he is sitting is different from classrooms/podium. Somethings are better discussed in a religious class or separate session rather than be told from the mimbar.